Thanks Cheryl, I read your other post as well about the treatment/surgery. Friday is the big day, so I am trying to not trip out before then. I have been a nurse for a long time, but I really don't know much about oncology. Years ago, I worked at Children's Hospital of Los Angeles on the hematology/oncology unit but I really don't have much knowledge about this sort of thing we are dealing with here. I do have good insurance and I do have disability which is not all that great but at least I have something. I also live in Louisville where the James Graham Brown Cancer Center is located. I actually work in the same hospital...I enter for my job not 100 yards from the cancer center. So very strange but lucky all in all.
So, maybe you know the first appt will they want to schedule surgery?? I need a week or so to get it together before hand. How many sessions of radiation do you usually go for and are they daily??? I have tried to look some things up online but was unable to find much to answer specific questions. I guess everyone's treatment plan is different.
Thank you for your support and is greatly appreciated.

Biopsy tongue 3/24/15
Diagnosis SCC tongue/floor of mouth
Partial glossectomy, resection and right neck dissection done
05/01/2015-no further treatment indicated at this time,
monthly check ups for two years