Thanks to you guys for your encouragement. It's true...the "what if's" do make you lose focus. I had my follow up today with the oral surgeon that did my biopsy. He said I would definitely be having further surgery, didn't know how extensive. Tomorrow is my CT of the neck. Scary as heck. Friday I will get the results when I go for my first appt at the Cancer Center. I can't believe how life and especially my perspective has changed in just over a week. Trying to handle things that I can before any kind of surgery. Good News today though! A friend of mine is gonna lend me $10,000 for a down payment on a condo. That will bring down my monthly bills by a large portion...I am renting now and if I have to be on disability, the less my bills are the better. So, that was good news. I also went for an orientation meeting at this place called "Gilda's Club". Hope everyone is doing good and thank you again for your encouragement and kind words. Denise

Biopsy tongue 3/24/15
Diagnosis SCC tongue/floor of mouth
Partial glossectomy, resection and right neck dissection done
05/01/2015-no further treatment indicated at this time,
monthly check ups for two years