Virgo my surgery will start at 7:30 a.m. Eastern Time Tomorrow morning and should take about 4 hours. Thank you for the candle lighting and prayers ahead of time, they are greatly appreciated!

And thank you for the self esteem boost, the thoughts and support that you all have given me. May you have success in all of your future endeavors. My sister will keep you updated on how the surgery goes.

Male, 23 year old�Dx 6/17/14 with SCC R Lateral tongue
CT scan clear lymph nodes 6/20/14
HPV-, form-smoker, casual drinker
Right Hemiglossectomy Surgery 6/24/14
(Not reccurrence but went to NCCC instead)
Right neck diss., trach, radial free flap, right tongue diss. surg 8/11/14
PT1N2B..3 positive lymph nodes out of 13
Extranodal extension present
9-15-14 IMRT (35x) and Cisplatin (2x) begun
10-21-14 peg in. 11-4-14 IMRT rx comp. 1-9-15 peg out
3-27-15 Recurrent tumor in lymph node, Left neck diss.
10-29-15 passed away