I finished my treatments last Friday and this week has been hell. Everyone was right, that it was going to get a lot worse before it got better. It's been so hard to eat or drink anything. So much awful with phlegm balls of blood, dryness, razor blades in my throat and all over my tongue, giant sores, bubbles & blisters popping up. Sometimes, I have to grip the rail in the bathroom until the pain passes. I am over the hump though. They were giving our free meatballs at costco yesterday, and I ate half if one. It was really soft & mashed up. First thing like that in so long.

We did buy a vitamix and tried all those shakes, they hurt so much. It's like a thick ball of chalk that gags me and I cough. I've found I need thinner drinks; almond milk, lots of honey in lavender tea, Orgain and broth soup. I can get down a yogurt if it's not the thick type and I have tea with it. I take pain pills before I eat and gargle with different things the doc prescribed to help. The only other thing I can scarf down is amazingly scrambled eggs with cheese and spinach with no stems cooked in olive oil until yesterday's meatball.

I'm managing, still not below the weight I started at when they told me to gain all the weight. I hope these treatments work, I won't know anything for weeks about the tumor but I've got a lot of hope.

I love you bees for making that honey
I love you chickens for those lovely eggs
I love you cows & goats for your dairy products
I love you beekeepers & farmers for making it happen
I love all of you who have been kind and advised me here
I love all of you who have to go through any of this

HPV+ P16 positive squamous cell carcinoma

Oct 2014 found neck node lumps
Went to Oncologist (TNBC)
2 CT Scans - body/head and neck
Needle & core biopsy
Pet Scan
Biopsy to find primary w/ anesthesia - failed
Second Opinion found primary & biopsied
Biopsy confirmed HPV+ P16 Squamous cell carcinoma
Radical Neck Dissection 11/22/2014
32 lymph nodes removed - 3 positive
Ported 12/29/14
Chemo and rads to start January 5, 2015
cisplatin weekly 40 mg/m2
Rads M-F for 7 weeks