Sorry, Paul, re-read some of your past posts here and your sig., so have answered some of my own q's re you.

6/09 lump undr chin
10/09 SCC R tonsular fossa T4N0M0, spread to tongue
11/09 R tonslctmy, partl glssctmy, nd
2/10 IMRTx30, Cispltnx3
5/10 thrombosis port cath remvd L jugular blckd
1/12 mets R lung, part lung remvd
1/13 mets R lung
2/13 partl lobectmy upper R lobe
12/14 MRI enlrgd nodes meta oesophgs
1/15 DX recur 4cm lymph
2/15 Start 6xCispltn+Erbitx+?