Hi Mungolina

I have herd good results from Erbitux on a few people. My mom has'nt used the Erbitux treatment just yet because we were told to save it for later when others have failed. I'm not sure if once you use the Erbitux it stops your options for other treatments. You might want to discuss it with your doctor.

Good Luck

Last edited by sweetpe1; 01-28-2015 12:21 AM.

RE:My Mother
Age 70
Non Smoker
SCC 3/4/2014 Left rear jaw
Mandiblctmy 3/25/2014
35RAD Completed on 06/03/2014
MRI 9/3/2014
25mm lobulated recurrence left mandible/floor of mouth carcinoma
9/23/14 Salvage Surgery
9/23/14 Salvage Surgery Not Successful
Chemo Recommended
1st Round of Cisplatin Chemo Started 10/20/14
Cisplatin stopped 11/20/14. Side affects to bad.
Chemo started again 1/22/15 Carbo/Docetaxel
Passed Away April 22,2015