Hi, I'm almost 4 months from end of radiation and my dentist has recommended a prescription level fluoride toothpaste instead of the trays. I did try acupuncture for a while, but results were only slight for me, so I discontinued it. I am now using the cevilimine 3X a day, and maybe noticing a slight uptick in saliva production. I think I do "mouth breathe" at night-- I'm not sure you can do anything about that. Lately I have noticed it was less dry the first time or two I got up in the night. Recent dental checkup was great, my dentist is keeping me on normal 6 month checkups. I do brush several times a day and my night routine is 1.) floss 2.) brush with flouride & baking soda toothpaste 3.) biotene rinse 4.) prescription fluoride toothpaste.

Head and neck cancer,
Squamous cell carcinoma,
HPV p16, Stage 3N (6/14) Occult origin;
58 year old male 35 rads & 2.5 doses Cisplatin chemo 7/10/14> 8/25/14
1.5 years clear of cancer, at this point.

"This, too is part of Life's Rich Pageant!"