So I just got off the phone with Vitamix. It is a HUGE company with lots of players, each who have a say in how a new idea gets set up, and OCF is definitely a new idea. They have a small program now in which they give a very limited number of units away for free. Qualifying for one of those refurbished units is hard, and it encompasses many other issues outside of oral cancer, all competing for the few machines that they have. That would be people that have strokes and other diseases that force people onto PEG tubes. The discounted units for people with a medical needs letter is definitely gone, and we (along with some other non profits) would be their replacement ideas for it.

We will have this idea up and running according to them before the Xmas season, and will begin our give away program some time in December. We will also have a retail program and a medical needs program. But they have to sign off on everything that we do, and that is going to take a little bit more time.

So there are no discounted units from Vitramix any longer for medical needs. If you were lucky enough to get in this program months ago, that was a great deal. But it is defiantly not part of their operation today.

Brian, stage 4 oral cancer survivor. OCF Founder and Director. The first responsibility of a leader is to define reality. The last is to say thank you. In between, the leader is a servant.