I think this is a fabulous idea. Those of us here who need them usually purchase due to the consequences of oral cancer. I purchased one last year simply so that I could blend "proper" foods for Kris to drink. He has lived off Ensure/Fortisip for far too long and I wanted him to be able to consume, good , nutritional , natural foods .
Post his total Glossectomy he can only swallow thin liquids.
Sad to say that here in NZ it cost me $1200. Couple with our reduced income post Oral cancer , this was a major hit to the pocket.
Great initiative Brian.

Caregiver/advocate to Husband Kris age 59@ diagnosis
DX Dec '10 SCC BOT T4aN2bM0 HPV+ve.Cisplatin x3 35 IMRT.
PET 6/11 clear.
R) level 2-4 neck dissection 8/1/11 to remove residual node - necrotic with NED
Feb '12 Ca back.. 3/8/12 total glossectomy/laryngectomy/bilat neck dissection/partial pharyngectomy etc. clear margins. All nodes negative for disease. PEG in.
March 2017 - 5 years disease free. Woohoo!