I've been on here before and wasn't able find anyone like myself. I am the second young female that was treated for my cancer in 2004 at Washington University, St. Louis. I'm 10 years out and have seen all of my doctors about my issues and problems, and even though they are helping in every way possible the answers I want, I can't get. The questions I'm asking are ..... what can I expect next? Because I'm one of the first to be diagnosed and treated with Squamous Cell Carcinoma as a young healthy female in the mid-west they aren't sure. Most people with this type of cancer were typically old men that smoked and drank their entire lives and passed away before they reached this far out of recovery, from other complications in their lives. I'm just looking to find someone else like myself. I'm not saying that an older person or someone with a different type of cancer won't have something in common but I was at the beginning of a nasty trend of cancer diagnosis. Many people are now being effected in the same way because of HPV (I wish I could say I knew that was the reason, but mine is believed to be hereditary, there are no other reasons). The treatments now aren't as harsh as mine was at the time, because they didn't know what they do now. Please if you know anyone that is similar to myself I would love to talk to you or to them. Thank you for reading my post.