Hello JoanneB

My mother has Squamous Cell Carcinoma . It started in her left lower jaw area . She had her first surgery to remove her lower left jaw on March 25 2014 and followed with 35 Radiations treatments. In the last week of treatment she had two treatments a day. Then A CT scan and MRI was done in late August 2014 and a recurrence showed up . Just recently on Sept. 23 she had a second surgery to remove the new tumor but there were to many cancer cells in the floor of her mouth so the doctor had to
stop and just recommend chemo Treatments.

We feel like maybe the Chemo should have been done with the Radiation from the beginning . I'm no doctor though that's just my thinking.

We live in Louisiana and have thought about traveling to MD Anderson in Texas but instead we made the decision to stay here at East Jefferson Hospital in LA because the doctors have partnered with MD Anderson . We now have a new Chemo Oncologist who is part of the MD Anderson team and my mom will start her treatments on October 21 2014.

We also no nothing about the treatments or side effects or which treatments or better than others. Someone on this forum recommended Herbetex in the chemo treatments which gives good results. Again I'm in the same boat your in so I'm really just learning myself.

You will find this forum very helpful
Good luck to you and your husband

Last edited by sweetpe1; 10-06-2014 08:49 PM.

RE:My Mother
Age 70
Non Smoker
SCC 3/4/2014 Left rear jaw
Mandiblctmy 3/25/2014
35RAD Completed on 06/03/2014
MRI 9/3/2014
25mm lobulated recurrence left mandible/floor of mouth carcinoma
9/23/14 Salvage Surgery
9/23/14 Salvage Surgery Not Successful
Chemo Recommended
1st Round of Cisplatin Chemo Started 10/20/14
Cisplatin stopped 11/20/14. Side affects to bad.
Chemo started again 1/22/15 Carbo/Docetaxel
Passed Away April 22,2015