My husband felt a lump on his neck about a month ago. he went to primary dr, then to ENT. We got the results of biopsy just over 2 weeks ago then results of PET scan on 9/25. He has Squamous cell carcinoma of the tonsil. He had a radical neck dissection and tonsillectomy on 10/2. It was in tonsil and 3 lymph nodes and is stage IV due to the size of the tumor.

We have an appointment in one week to see the radiologist to discuss treatment but they are talking about 6 weeks of radiation, 5 days a week. And now are discussing adding chemo as well.

We live in Myrtle Beach, SC. Not a medical metropolis. We have two cancer centers, one for radiation and one for chemo. We can travel for a second opinion for treatment. But how do we know where to go? I know names like Sloan-Kettering and John Hopkins. They are far and it is overwhelming to think of coordinating care and life from that far away but at the same time I want him to have the best treatment available. Where do we go from here? Do we just trust that the local centers can deal with this type of cancer appropriately?

I'm overwhelmed! We know nothing about cancer treatment or this type of cancer.

Any advise as to where to start? Has anyone traveled far or treatment?