Further update: his tummy is feeling much better as the laxatives continued to work today. Thankfully, no ER visit needed. MO was firm but kind about not letting it go so long again. Prescribed lactulose for future use. That would be in addition to the stool softener, senna tablets, benefiber and miralax!

Although he is feeling better now, he lost some ground when he went 24 hours with no nutrition because his digestive system was so backed up. I hope future first timers will heed the warning, not be so stubborn, and call the doctor early.

Caregiver to husband with SCC BOT HPV+ T4N2cMO stage 4a
CT scan 7/23/14
Biopsy 8/7/14
PEG tube in 8/15/14, out 4/2015
35 rads, Cisplatin X 3 - finished 10/27/15
cancer free May 2018