He had the biopsy yesterday and should have results by Monday. PET scan showed no widespread disease, just the large mass at BOT and two Lymph nodes nearby. We see a specialist for a second opinion next week at a nearby academic medical center with a head and neck cancer clinic. Oncologist at the community hospital says pretty much what I expected after reading these forums... cisplatin and radiation, with peg tube and mediport placed prior to treatment. Also prescribed a new medication for the GERD/reflux. It seems to be helping, which is a big relief.

Thanks to the advice I got here, he has a dental appointment next week. Unfortunately, he is overdue for routine cleaning, so might be playing catch up with that. I will have him ask about fluoride trays. It sounds like the radiation oncologist will determine if any teeth will be in the path of the radiation beams, and those would have to go.

Any advice about choosing where to have the treatment? There is a nearby (30 minute drive) medical center with a cancer center, IMRT, accredited by the American College of Radiology and has Commission on Cancer approval. A longer drive, over an hour, is the academic medical center with a head and neck cancer clinic. Sounds like it might be possible to get some things like chemo infusions and labs done at a local community hospital and travel for radiation. Seems like a complicated decision, and I tend to overthink things.

Caregiver to husband with SCC BOT HPV+ T4N2cMO stage 4a
CT scan 7/23/14
Biopsy 8/7/14
PEG tube in 8/15/14, out 4/2015
35 rads, Cisplatin X 3 - finished 10/27/15
cancer free May 2018