Has anyone out there had the corner of their mouth removed due to cancer. My hubby just had surgery on Monday. He is doing great but his mouth can't open too much. He has a free flap in his cheek which is swollen still. Just wondering if any of you have any advise. Thanks

Caregiver to Husband
Hubby Age 43
Was diagonosed with Buccual Muccusa Squomous Cell Carcinoma on Feb 13, 2014
T2 N2(not 100% sure if they are malignant) Stage 2 or 3 Not sure bc of Nodes
Surgery took place on March 17. They removed the tumor with 2 mm margins. Flap from left arm inserted into Cheek. Skin graft from left thigh to put on donor site.
37 nodes removed. 3 at level 1 malignant.