Where you been dude? Thanks for checking in. No matter what is crap about cancer, pain is the top of the list for side effects and there is NO reason why you should not have this addressed as fully as possible. My journey down cancer alley was short compared to many but I found as you have some doctors who write script like they are on commission and others who act like the Fed Drug Czar.

Hang in there buddy,

Male, 57 - Great health except C
Dec '12
DX: BOT SCC T2N2bMx, Stage 4a, HPV+, multiple nodes
1 tooth out
Jan '13
2nd tooth out
Tumor Board -induction TPF (3 cycles), seq CRT
CRT 70gr 2x35, weekly carbo150
ended 5/29,6/4
All the details, join at http://beatdown.cognacom.com