Ambra--So glad it turned out to be a zit....and so great you did get it checked out. Everyone is so right; the depression is a normal response to the emotional trauma. I have been thinking about you and hoping you will soon begin to feel better physically and emotionally.


Caregiver to husband, 60
Dx Sept '12 SCC BOT T2N2aMo, Stage IV, HPV+
Oct '12 Sub.Gland transfer
Nov-Dec '12 IMRT x 33 + cisplatin x7
March '13 PET/CT: 2 spots on lungs; (BOT & neck lymphs NED)
April '13 Biopsy: 1 = malignant right hilar lymph (met from HNSCC)p16
9/13: 33 rounds IMRT to lungs; carboplatinx7
CT w/contrast 12/30/13: 2 spots left hilar lymph. biopsy confirms SCC
30 rounds IMRT to left lung; treatment ended 5/29/14
Sept 2014--CT clear; December 2014 CT clear