Hi Tony,
"Hi" to you as well. And am glad to hear you had fun dancing. Too bad about the dessert, but you will be able to taste dessert again very soon.
Yes, I am very aware that I worry too much in general. Such is my personality, I have always been like that. I know that is not good, and I have been trying to change that for a while, but some changes are difficult to accomplish.
Now, with this terrible disease, unfortunately, finding any lump and bump, especially in the general area where cancer was, is always going to be a source of great distress and worry for me. I am sure pretty sure anyone here can relate to that. I can and will continue to try to worry less, but sometimes it is impossible.
I do not seek things to worry about on purpose, they just happen. Trust me, I would much rather focus on something nice, it is just that there hasn't been anything very nice in my life for a very long time, years actually. The last four or so years have been a string of bad events, culminating with this diagnosis. I am possibly nearing the limit of just how much I can take. So I am worrying even more.
Anyway, I do not think you are trying to be hard on me, no worries. I actually appreciate your concern. It is just how I am, and stopping to worry, especially in this situation, is simply not possible right now.
Last edited by Ambra; 12-15-2013 10:26 PM.