Yesterday evening my sister-in-law was able to talk to the oncologist of Joyce.

* Joyce is critical but stable condition.
* Joyce is receiving IV Infused Antibiotics and is monitored by an infectious disease specialist.
* Joyce is not in the USA.
* Doctors believe that the infection could have started from the lesion on her face. This lesion or ulcer did not heal despite 35 sessions of radiation.
* Joyce has stomach infection.
* WBC upon arrival in the hospital was 30,000. As of yesterday 22,000.
* Per Doctor, they believe she can survive this infection. Her will to live is so strong. However, we were advised to plan for the worst and hope for the best.
* My sister-in-law is going home next week to be with them.
* I am not sure if doctor's could predict the life expectancy of a patient but she was given a year. (If she survies the sepsis).

I will pray for all of you and please include Joyce in your prayers.

Last edited by Ina; 12-11-2013 01:49 PM.

Joyce March 1940 to January 2014
A wife, a mother, grandmother and great grandmother.
She fought oral cancer from late 2009 to Early 2014.
2 Timothy 4:7 I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith.