Thanks everyone for the quick responses.

When I read some of the forum messages last night I was struck by how many people said go to a comprehensive cancer center. I suppose the reasons are the obvious ones; center focused only on cancer and will have the most diverse/cross-disciplined staff to help. Is there more behind the recommendation? I'm currently going to my health clinic and have been impressed with the ENT. My next appointment is with a Radiology Therapist who will layout my treatment plan. I was surprised that it wasn't going to be an Oncologist. When I asked the nurse about this she said that typically the ENT is the lead and support is brought in as needed. The Radiology Therapist's job is to know where the science is at and recommend the procedure. I certainly hope that there isn't some odd turf war over who runs the show from the medical side. Any comments would be welcomed.

In any case, I plan on getting a second opinion and finding a cancer center. Now seems like the right time as I'll be needing a few weeks to recover from my surgery.

All the best.


Diagnosed 4/27/05: Base of Tongue Cancer Stage III (T2N1M0)