Hi There

My name is Sammie and I am currently looking after my husband who had surgery 3 weeks and 3 days ago (sorry am not clued up yet on the official lingo)
We were told that he had stage 2 squamous cancer on the side of his tongue, but during the operation the surgeon came out to give me an update and I was told they had found that the "C" was on the base of his tongue too, they removed approx 35% from the base of the tongue, and some off the side and he also had a partial neck disection, I dont know if that discovery upgraded his diagnosis...we were never told.
His lymph nodes come back negative smile but his neck developed an infection and they reinserted the neck drain for another week (now removed)but his neck is as hard as rock on that side, has anyone else had this? what can we do to try and soften it up?
I have a million and one questions but I will not wear out my welcome and post them all here and now!
Thank you very very much in advance
All the best

C/G to Husband Richard SCC Op 4/1/2005 T2N0M0,Neck disection, 35% of tongue removed.
Reoccurance 3/2007,Lymph Node same side Positive SCC, Swelled to 2.5 inches. IMRT X35 Cis X3 Completed 33 IMRT Cis x2 carbo X1 MET to lungs post treatment 10/04/2007
Passed peacefully 31st July 2008.