Hi Rebecca, sorry for your news. If it is visible it's usually on the oral tongue (you can't see the base of your tongue which is in your throat).

I could feel a problem about 4-5 months before I was diagnosed as well. You can see my staging below. I had my surgery 2 months after seeing an ENT. I am a year out, and doing well. This is something that she can recover from!

Once you have more information (PET scan results, CT, biopsy) and a treatment plan, we can provide more detailed information.

Good luck.

Diag: Aug. 13/12
50% + glossectomy and bilateral radical neck dissection, removal of nodes zones I - V
Surgery October 11/12
Chemo/rad on hold due to clear margins and nodes
Sept 21/13 clear CT with anomaly thought to be the artery, being watched closely.
Dec 16/13 - anomaly confirmed artery, all clear
nickname: "get 'r done"
Plans: kick cancer's butt