I was never a popular guy with the dentist anyway, with infrequent visits my whole life, but had fairly good teeth appearance wise, except for two extractions I had years ago, cavities occasionally. Anyway, I believe some mouth issues started with chemo treatment in 11/09, which resulted in hospilizatin for an extended period. Chemo caused the same side effects as radiation later did, but was worse, with the dry mouth, mucocitis, dysphagia, invasive candidiasis ( thrush in the blood system), Steven Johnson type Syndrome, burns in out/mouth, others, and as a result of my condition, in ICU, extended hospital, and nursing home stay, I had no proper oral care, and relied on nurses because I couldn't walk for 10 months, and for two months couldn't even drink water by mouth, was NPO, was only given IV, mouth swabbed out. My chemoradiation was canceled of course, and never went to a dentist since I couldn't at that point, and there was no need with just the induction chemo in the begining. I was released from prison six months later, against doctor(s) advise, after 187 days in isolation lol.
So far, so good teeth wise, but the dry mouth, mucocitis, thrush continued while I recovered. About four months later 9/10, I had a recurrence. Bu this time I had left my major CCC, who poisoned me to death, and saw a local oncologist for treatment, but still retained their ENT, who said I needed Chemoradiation, so my oncologist sent me to a radiation facility, but said she could not give me chemo due to my condition, and I was very happy with that, so I was only doing radiation. Went to see a local dentist a relative recommended, again, I was not going back to the CCC or any hospital, after my horrid experience, and was fearful of hospitals at that point. The dentist did the pre-radiation work up, x-rays, and needed several extractions fillings, which were done. I had heard about dental trays, special fluoride, which I also heard fluoride increase risk of cancer, and didn't want to take any medication not necessary after my near fatal reaction to one of the chemo drugs or anti measure meds. I asked if I needed anything special, and was told no, and was given chorhexadine, which he said would take care of everything, and was happy with just the mouth rinse.
Onto radiation 2/11, the usual dry mouth, thrush, mucocitis, dysphagia, not that it was a walk on the park, and believe my prior Tx, issues, compounded the side effects of radiation, but at least I was somewhat mobile, and relied on the peg for the remainder of Tx after the first week, and used the chlohexidine, magic mouth wash, salted water, baking soda rinse, and all the biotene products, dry mouth mouthwash, tooth paste, gel at night for dry mouth.
I finished radiation, and all was fine, so it seemed. About 3 months later, I had an infection, abcess in my back molar, which needed extraction, so had to do the 20/10 HBOT. During that time, I wad interrupted for a blood transfusion, but resumed after 5 days after hospitalization, but I never had the tooth extracted, and needed eye surgery after losing vision in one eye, almost both, was another set back both physically, and emotionally, needed weekly Opthomologist visits, and sometime after that had another recurrence which starts the find and seek process all over again, FNA, PET, doctor visits, planning, but at least the abscess was gone, and extraction put on hold.
About a year after radiation, I started seeing white specs on my teeth, which I found out were demineralization of the teeth or pre cavities. I was so busy trying to stay alive, visiting doctors, I have 7 specilists, dealing with other priorities, getting transfusions, recurrences, I had no time to see about no specs on my teeth lol, but did show them all to my ENT, RO, MO, Dentist, which didn't seem a priority to them either, but think I had a few fillings, a root canal though.
Sometime after, my teeth started chipping. After another recurrence, Chemoradiation treatment in 10/12, I had another abcess, same area as before, saw the dental oncologist at my new CCC who said he couldn't do anything during Tx, and how come I wasn't sent to him in the beginning pre-Tx, and after that is when my teeth started breaking more, root canal teeth falling out, and teeth down to the pulp, and gum line, but was busy with other illnesses, tests, dr visits, hospitalization that took priority, and just dealt with it.
Now to the present, I have another recurrence, Tx was planned, and my teeth decided to give me trouble, and have an infection, abscess in the mouth, jaw. Saw the dental oncologist, who said he can't do anything being I need HBOT, and can't do that until cancer is removed, and abscess was draining, so no need for antibiotic. Two weeks after, another abscess decided to pop up the other side, and saw my PCP, who gave me antibiotic to take 3x day, and have been on them for several weeks, which resolved the abscess, keeping infection at bay, and can only eat certain foods, so not to cause irritation, flare up of infection. After my surgery/radiation on Wednesay, 10/16, I'll have to do HBOT at some point, and have ALL my teeth extracted. So far, the dental oncologist at the CCC is seeing me, and was worried prior being I have Medicare, which doesn't cover dental per say, but I may be in some special program, I don't know, and I'm not asking, stirring up the pot, just as long as my teeth are taken care of, hopefully dentures too.
As far as pain, the teeth can be very painful, usually at the wrong time, on weekends, at night, and emptied my medicine cabinet arsenal a few times to relive the pain, which only the Oxycodone really helped relieve, but that makes me nauseas, and vomit for a few times a day, for days, even from just one pill.
I occsssionly take lyrica or Gabapentin, formerly Oxycodone also, for the constant neuropathy pain 24/7 from chemo, mainly for the legs, feet, which have paralysis too. It's worse the more I do like just from walking, not far either, standing even 10 minutes, weather conditions like rain, humidy. I only take them at night, and really don't like the drugged feeling during the day, and just deal with it otherwise.
That's my long story. I don't know if this will help anyone, and is probably more like what not to do, and what can happen in a relatively short period, 4 years.