Hi Shawn. This does totally 100% suck! I'm so sorry to hear all the complications you have had with the surgery. I know some of the message board members have also had the major bleeds after the tonsil removal.

Keep on fighting the fight! Hang in there and hopefully things will get better. Feelings are feelings and you certainly are entitled to yours. I'm sure you are not the only one who wishes they could have a "do-over".

I lost my mom 6 years ago to pancreatic cancer. She was diagnosed "early" and had the whipple surgery at Johns Hopkins. It did buy her 3 years but I wouldn't say they were enjoyable years.

We all do at the time what we think is the right thing to do with the information we have. Hugs, Wanda

Wanda (47) caregiver to husband John (56) age at diag.(2009)
1-13-09 diagnosed Stage IV BOT SCC (HPV+)
2-12-09 PEG placed, 7-6-09 removed
Cisplatin 7 weeks, 7 weeks (35) IMRT
4-15-09 - treatment completed
8-09,12-09-CT Scans clear, 4-10,6-11-PET Scans clear
4-2013 - HBO (30 dives) tooth extraction
10-2019 - tooth extraction, HBO (10 dives)
11-2019 - Left lateral tongue SCC - Stage 2