Thanks everyone! Now I have a new problem. I've been crushing my meds and taking them through the tube. Now, I'm having to try swallowing all these pills. I have a tendency to get choked on them. Some because of the size and some because they are not coated. I decided to try crushing them and adding a little water to swallow that way. Something in the meds burned my throat really badly, also very bitter. Guess I'll go back to trying to swallow them whole. Does anyone have any suggestions about this? So proud to be rid of the tube and I want to get this part of the situation easier to manage. Thanks in advance for your help and encouragement!!

5/15/12 Diagnosed with SSC
6/20/12 Surgery-Hard/soft palate with RND, trach and PEG, teeth taken, Age 51
8/20/12 PET scan showed cancer had reoccurred
9/4/12 Began Chemo and Radiation
1X cisplatin 2X carboplatin 35 radiation
5/28/13 Latest scans---Cancer free
12/2013 Still Cancer Free MO wants no more CT scans
(not sure how I feel about that)

Blessed and Very Much So