Thanks ladies.

Christine, I was told that I should be able to have bottom dentures in the future. One doctor told me I would never have top but another said there was a possibility if they put in a "post" where the most of the surgery was done for them to hold on to. My husband is worried about that. He doesn't want to bother the area and possibly stir things up again.

Cheryld, What kind of protein powder do you use? Does it have a taste to it? My husband had gastric bypass surgery 10 years ago and tried some of those then and couldn't stand it. I would imagine there is a lot of difference from then to now.

Again, thank you and I would be most appreciative for any more suggestions you have!

5/15/12 Diagnosed with SSC
6/20/12 Surgery-Hard/soft palate with RND, trach and PEG, teeth taken, Age 51
8/20/12 PET scan showed cancer had reoccurred
9/4/12 Began Chemo and Radiation
1X cisplatin 2X carboplatin 35 radiation
5/28/13 Latest scans---Cancer free
12/2013 Still Cancer Free MO wants no more CT scans
(not sure how I feel about that)

Blessed and Very Much So