Need help in finding a specialist/doctor to help with Radiation Fibrosis and Severe Trisimus. My radiation ended 12/5/12, and at first I was doing very well with my mouth opening. I am now down to one finger--5mm opening of my mouth. I have tried everythiing from Dynasplint to tongue blades, and my mouth is still contracting. All my current doctor can suggest is putting me to sleep to force the mouth open, and then trying to make sure I maintain the opening. Seems like information on oral Radiation Fibrosis is very little and I cannot find a specialist to help. I called Memorial Ketting Sloan Hospital and they are not accepting patients with radiation fibrosis. I live in Texas, but am willing to travel any where to find a doctor that can help. Any information or suggestions?

SCC 9/2012 right upper right maxilla
Surgery 9/27/2012 to remove portion of right maxilla
DX-after surgery cancer cells in margin
RAD-33 TX ended 12/05/12
2/13-current-Severe Trismus and Radation Fibrosis
6/13-clear PET
6/13-Infection in radiation area of mouth, with surgery to drain infection
8/13-ended 40 HBOT treatments
11/13-Clear PET
3/14-Botox injections for severe Trismus
5/14-Clear PET/ 11/14-clear PET
Male age 53, non smoker, non drinker