Jay, I am so sorry to hear this. I know too well how absolutely devastating a recurrence is. I, personally, was stunned when Kris had his. I felt quite helpless initially. Only once we had seen the tumour board with a treatment plan laid out did I feel that I could really cope.
The good thing is that you do have options. The team are coming up with a treatment plan. Just like the first time, you will get through this.
You know all this already about taking each day at a time, but it really is true.
I'm sure someone with a similar scenario with a lung nodule will post shortly.
Thinking of you, Jen and Hunter,

Caregiver/advocate to Husband Kris age 59@ diagnosis
DX Dec '10 SCC BOT T4aN2bM0 HPV+ve.Cisplatin x3 35 IMRT.
PET 6/11 clear.
R) level 2-4 neck dissection 8/1/11 to remove residual node - necrotic with NED
Feb '12 Ca back.. 3/8/12 total glossectomy/laryngectomy/bilat neck dissection/partial pharyngectomy etc. clear margins. All nodes negative for disease. PEG in.
March 2017 - 5 years disease free. Woohoo!