This has been discussed in length, if you go to search, even before my time here, escpeiaaly by Charm, who recenty paseed. I made a link in one of my posts, probably last December, from MSKCC, number two CCC, sometimes number one, written to the editors of Journal of Clinical Oncology, regarding
Erbitux, also known as Cetuximad. They do not recommend using it for definitive treatment in chemoradiation for locally advanced head and neck cancer outside clinical trials, due to disappointing findings. Also, they did not recommend using it with Cisplatin. There is a phase III trial going on that will show the efficacy of Cisplatin vs
Erbitux, which is due to be completed in 2015. I see your signature has 3 chemo treatments, which sounds like the 3 big bag Cisplatin.
Erbitux is usually given weekly, the first a loading dose, along with a Benadryl infusion, tylenol, and a lower dose, about half, the other weeks during your radiation treatment. Brian Hill made a post with
Erbitux on a recent request from a member for treatment info with Orbitx or similar (sp). I will try to link the post when I get to my laptop. I had Ebitux last Oct/Nov, with Taxotere, but my treatments was for metastic recurrences, my 5th, and was not chemo naive, meaning I may have built a resistance to some chemo, have kidney disease now, so my choices are more limited. Hill's response with
Erbitux is about 6 posts down, on Ina's post, Orbitux.