Hi emily,

I have a painless round moveable lump in my cheek too. Does your feel like it has a duct / vessel attached to it? Is there also one on your other cheek in the same spot? My right lump is larger than the left, but both feel like they have ducts attached to them. I believe they are actually enlarged baccal lymph nodes. Mine have been enlarged for about a year I believe, but sometimes they suddenly get smaller. So if you have one in the same spot in your other cheek, even if it's a little smaller, or if your lump feels like it has a duct or vessel attached to it, I wouldn't worry so much because it's almost certainly not a tumor. If it's a lymph node, look into why it's enlarged though. I plan to ask my doctor about mine when I see him.

Last edited by Dan721; 03-29-2013 10:05 PM.