Hi all. I hope your all doing well today. This site has quickly become the most visited website for me. I can't believe the wealth of information I have found. Something came up and I really wanted to hear from real people if this is something you have dealt with. My bro is the final part of his chemo/rad therapy. Its been very hard on him and I see him declining daily, but on the upside his prognosis is really good so we are all hopeful this will work and he wont have to ever deal with these treatments again. Now onto my question, he hasn't spoken in weeks now and he relies solely on his PEG tube for all nutrition and hydration. I went to see him this weekend and was surprised to see just how mean he has become. I know alot of it is frustration and I know he feels terrible and has said the pain is unbearable. With that being said, he is just mean and cruel. When we visit he acts like we aren't in the room and when you try to talk to him he grunts and points to the door basically telling us to get out. Now keep in mind, I know for a fact this isn't typical of him, through all of this he has been so sweet and kind and just thankful for the family around him. Just wondering if anyone else has seen their loved one turn into this other person. I know he is dealing with alot and I don't let it bother me (at least in front of him) but he is treating everyone with so much contempt and I can take it but I don't think my parents should have to, they are elderly and taking care of him full time and have put their lives on hold to make sure he is always as comfortable as possible. I don't know. Could it be the morphine? any insight you might have would be helpful. Thank you!