Yes, my doctors believe there is a genetic link. He even said "angry genes" because I have this new tongue tumor. My mom had no risk factors like me. She died at 33 and I was first diagnosed at 33. I will say the main thing that her doctors did wrong when she first noticed it was dismiss it. She had a cold sore/canker sore that didn't heal and the doctors kept telling her it was just a sore and it will go away. By the time tests were confirmed, the cancer had spread too too much. Back then, doctors couldn't fathom that tongue cancer could occur to women who didn't smoke or chew.

Thank you for your thoughts Kerri.

Age 44. Diagnosed at 34 (2006) with T1N0 SCC tongue on right side. Neck dissed & 6 weeks Radiation. 30% tongue removed. Never smoked;
2nd recurrence 1/2013 on left side. Surgery to remove 2/2013 forearm flap/neck dissec T1N0; brachytherapy 4/2013;
3rd recurrence 11/2015 mandibulectomy for jaw bone cancer Stage IV/no lymph node involvement