I had mets to my lung RUL diagnosed in 2008. My initial SCC was right tonsil with neck lymph node involvement in 2005. I bought time (and one lung tumor went away!) with chemo clinical trials for the mets, and was referred to an acute care pulmonologist and RO team in July 2012. The remaining right hilar lymph node tumor in my lung has been decimated, per my November PET scan, with a combo of laser for debulking, as the tumor had caused complete collapse of the RUL; cryoablation with argon gas; brachytherapy; cyberknife. I am 65. The treatments were manageable with the primary side effect being fatigue. Waldeau, I tell you my story in the hope that it will give you hope. To learn that you have still another cancer to contend with, as you go through some harsh treatment for your oropharyngeal cancer, has got to be devastating. I wish for you tolerable side effects with your current treatment as you plan for the future.

Be well. Zenda
12/04 SCC Tonsil, Stage IV T3N2BM0. Mod RND, resect right oropharynx, free-flap, resect right tongue base. Erbitux,Docetaxel,RT X 33. 6/08 Mets lung, hilar lymph node:Carboplatin, Docetaxel. 2010 2nd clinical trial:lung clear, node stable. ORN,trismus,dysphagia. 8-10/2012 cryoablation,brachytherapy,cyberknife to lymph node. 12/12 NED. 6/13 Mets RLL lung: 8/13 cyberknife. 11/13 NED.