One point to make about urine color (and believe me I drink a LOT daily) is that vitamins and supplements and medication you take can affect it. I take circumen and it turns my urine a lovely shade of deep gold! But yes under normal circumstances the specific gravity of your urine is often determined by color. Sorry for over sharing.

Cheryl : Irritation - 2004 BX: 6/2008 : Inflam. BX: 12/10, DX: 12/10 : SCC - LS tongue well dif. T2N1M0. 2/11 hemigloss + recon. : PND - 40 nodes - 39 clear. 3/11 - 5/11 IMRT 33 + cis x2, PEG 3/28/11 - 5/19/11 3 head, 2 chest scans - clear(fingers crossed) HPV-, No smoke, drink, or drugs, Vegan