Glad you found us, sorry your here. Your story is just like mine. See my signature line. This is curable stay positive, learn as much as you can, and find a CCC. I am still new here but this site has been a life line to me.

Last edited by Hockeydad; 10-18-2012 07:14 PM.

Hockey Dad
43, No smoke, Small BOT HPV+16
8/30/12 Biopsy found SCC in Lymph node (removed)
9/19 DX 4a T1N2aM0
10/1 TX 2x Cisplatin 35 IMRT 70 gry (Done 11/15)
PEG tube in 11/7. Out 1/4, Back at work 2/4/13
PET 2/13 Clear, 10/16 all Scopes Clear, 4/14 Chest X-ray Clear, 5/14 Abdominal ultrasound Clear, 8 yrs clean!!!