Hi Everyone,

First let me thank you for your kind words. You are the best.

I met with RAD/ONC/SUG yesterday.

I actually got to see all of my CT scans on the computer not just a report. Pretty cool. No very cool.

All reports were very positive. Complete response is what they are telling me! I am so frigging happy I could burst.

My wife and I had a son last WED and making it to his birth was a large milestone. My next milestone is to live long enough for him to remember me. After that it's high school graduation.

I am thankful to god for the opportunity to write this.

Thanks again everyone.

Robert Hamilton

SCC 1.6cm Right Tonsil 10/3/03, 1 Node 3cm, T1N2AM0, Tonsil Removed, Selective Neck Disection, 4 Wks Induction Chemo (Taxol,Cisplatin), 8 Weeks Chemo/Radiation (5FU,Hydroxyurea,Iressa), IMRT x 40, Treatment Complete 2/13/04.
41 Years Old At Diagnosis