Cheryl you described my hospital stay almost word for word! I had a feeding tube and my mom had asked the nurses how often they were feeding me. The nurse says "as needed". My mom (who is a nurse) almost lost it. She had to explain to the nurse how I was taking nothin by mouth and COULD NOT SPEAK. The nurse also didn't know how to o trache care. I not know what would have happened without my mom. I told them that we should get a discount since my mom did most of my tube feelings, wound care, and trache care.

Do not go gentle into that good night. Rage, rage against the dying of the light.

31 @ Dx SCC of tongue right side May 27, 2011, no tobacco, light drink
Partial gloss. and ND June 2011 - 2 jaw nodes positive ("encapsulated")
33 rads ended 10/21/11.
Dx Non small cell lung cancer 05/18/15