[quote=Charm2017] Welcome to OCF. Although there are zero valid studies showing smoking marijuana causes cancer by itself, unlike tobacco, smoking anything at all is a big NO NO for any oral cancer patients. They should use a vaporizer or ingestion instead. Our tissues are just too traumatized for the damage that any smoking can do.

If your post means you are looking on harmful effects of MJ, the best misinformation and false statements can be gotten from the DEA which refuses to allow scientists to conduct studies to show the benefits that actually exist . Unfortunately, as the post you quoted states, the resistance to allowing studies is "mighty". That way all the logic impaired drug warriors can say with a straight face: there are no valid scientific studies showing Medical marijuana works so it must be bad. Luckily, many state legislators know cancer patients and know how helpful medical marijuana can be. As EricS once said to me about people who oppose medical marijuana laws:[quote] Why do all these people keep wanting to torture cancer patients?[/quote]
Here is a link I posted before from a judge who is a cancer patient and has seen the light of truth
New York Times: Medical MJ
hope you have recovered from your cancer
Charm. [/quote]

Thank you for the welcome. My hub was diagnosed 8/30/09 stage 4 tonsil HPV+. I'm disabled from back pain & have some what followed MJ for cancer & pain.

The gal who needs this has a hub that had a previous drug problem; they're both afraid for him to take anything for pain (I've suggested she lock it up & hand it as needed).. He had her dispose of his last medication & she found that he's been smoking & she's very pissed off. I know it's very beneficial but after seeing what my hub went through; can't imagine what smoking feels like on his throat; but figure if he can handle it; he's a grown man.. I hate to think he is in pain; with no pain killers plus he's depressed. I know what my hubs pain levels were during & after treatment & I can't imagine someone not having access to something.

What I'm concerned about is that he was sent to pain management; not sure if he started but if he did & he tests dirty; he may be ruining his chances for help now & later on if he's one left with pain. Pain management where I live is no joke; they regularly discharge people for various reasons. I know other states are following us. It's also not legal where they are.

I need something that I can give her a link so that she can let him read it for himself; even something that says smoking anything with oral cancer is a no-no.

I know MJ is legal in other countries; saw a documentary; so better info may be available elsewhere. I don't understand why the US is dragging their feet.

Aug 09 - 3 ultrasound - 7CT - 13 ENT needle biopsy 1 - 19 MRI - 24 ENT n. biopsy 2 - 31 ENT results - Sept- 2 PET - 9 ENT #2 - 22 Rt rad neck dis; rt tonsil & PEG - Nov 4 33 rads; 3 chemo - Complete treatment 12/24/09 - 2/23/10 PEG out!