[quote=seattlepaul]Never used Medical Marijuana, just recreational MJ, & THC (active ingredient), which does increase appetite, sense of well-being, relaxes mind & body, but smoking is as harmful as tobacco.
Effects diminish over use, so always have to increase dosage.
Ingestion is slower, more relaxed, never heard of study of benifit: need to pressure govt. to do so, but Right Wing will resist mightily. [/quote]

Thanks for this.
I'm going to send a friend here who's hub is smoking it.
Where is the best info found that she can read about harmful effects of him smoking it?

Aug 09 - 3 ultrasound - 7CT - 13 ENT needle biopsy 1 - 19 MRI - 24 ENT n. biopsy 2 - 31 ENT results - Sept- 2 PET - 9 ENT #2 - 22 Rt rad neck dis; rt tonsil & PEG - Nov 4 33 rads; 3 chemo - Complete treatment 12/24/09 - 2/23/10 PEG out!