I don't think it's so much impatience as fear....if 1 in 10,000 people were to react to something, it would be him. Now he's ready to throw in the towel and just let it be. This guy got cellulitis up to his knee from a piece of latex tape on a toe, had a chyle leak which apparently is rare...(sigh, that's just a couple of examples) so any adverse effect really throws him. On the other hand, I could see a difference in just 3 weeks...mood changed, not sleeping as much. Just bothers me that we've gone from "oh, cut the dose in half" to "double it" and all my searching on the hot flash thing seems to pertain to women much more than men.


CG to H with SCC BOT T4N2cM0 dx 12/19/08, teeth removed pre-tx; Erbitux & RT-done 3/12/09, PEG 2/9/09-7/14/09; ND 6/16. Pet 6/12-no mets except lymph node in neck removed on 6/16. Chyle leak,2nd surg to repair. Dilate esophagus 4/15/10. Clear PET 12/17/10