Since I've been on short-term disability while recovering from my surgery, I have had the opportunity to immerse myself in crappy daytime TV and I did see Hooda (don't know if I spelled that correctly) and Kathie-Lee talk about this on their morning show last month. I only had my feeding tube in during my hospital stay - 4 days - but that memory will last forever for me.

When I saw this story aired on national television so callously - I mean these ladies were very flippant about women getting feeding tubes to lose weight for their weddings - I was furious. I wasn't surprised, though. More like disgusted. Not just with the women who would do such a thing because I know vanity drives people to do all sorts of moronic things - but with the doctors who participate in this for some extra cash.

Meanwhile, there are people who depend on their feeding tube for survival. While I believe strongly in freedom of choice - as in people's freedom to choose to do stupid things - I don't agree with national media promoting stupidity (I think we all know there are enough stupid people in the world already) and laziness.

It is sad, indeed - moreso even that there are doctors who will do just about anything for a buck as moronic as it may be.

Carpe Diem!!
38, non-smoker, otherwise perfect health. Biopsy: 3/8/2012, SCC Dx Right Underside Tongue: 3/12/2012, Surgery: 4/11/2012 Partial Gloss + Neck Dissection to remove 29 nodes (all clear). No Rads or Chemo req'd. I believe my SCC was caused by product used in dental work.