It's me again. I so deeply appreciate everyone's help on this forum.

I am working on moving forward with a biopsy but am determined to see someone with LOTS of experience in OC. Which brings me to my current dilemma.

I found a wonderful ENT at a hospital about 2 hours from me (Washington U School of Med in St. Louis). He comes highly recommended and has so many sub-specialties that my head is still spinning. One of them is OC of course.

When I called to make the appointment, they asked what insurance I have. The young gentleman was VERY nice but when I said I do not have any, he said I really should consider making my appointment with the residency clinic instead. He said the residency clinic will work with me based on income whereas the ENT himself will need payment for all tests upfront, and I could be looking at thousands just with a biopsy.

I feel so confused that I can't decide what to do!!! I really wanna see the main Dr and feel doubtful about the residency clinic. Am I just being paranoid?? He insisted (he could tell I was indecisive) that any doctor I saw in the residency clinic would be just as qualified to handle things as the main dr's, that I would be in excellent hands, and that they'd be able to work with me on payment.

I keep going back & forth... Feeling completely stuck. I finally asked, "Well, if I make my consultation with the main dr & he feels extensive testing is needed, can he just then refer me to the residency clinic for the work/testing?" He said he'd never been asked that question before and he wasn't sure if that would be possible.

I'm so freaked out & scared silly of making a wrong choice. Ugh, any suggestions? Thanks in advance. I feel helpless.
