Well I'm once again in panic mode. Last month, I believe I bit the replaced side of my tongue hard while eating something cold. Noticed pain in the tongue pretty quickly, not like something that has been getting worse. Have spells of pain that come and go, and also have been getting what my Dr at Dana Farber referred to as "zingers"--brief ear aches that last a few seconds. Had these prior to my first diagnosis just over 4 years ago. The pain in my tongue is near the same location as the first occurence, and at the base of tongue and floor of mouth. Generally have more pain in the mornings, and some points during the day don't even know it is there. Fortunately, I have a 6 month follow-up with Dana Farber in just over a week (2/28), and hopefully they can set my mind at ease. Am wondering if I need to call Dana Farber and let them know I am experiencing some issues prior to my appoint, in case they think I should have a CT scan or any other tests while I am there.

It is amazing how much more difficult this is now then when I was first diagnosed. Mostly that my oldest son was just 4 months old, now he is 4 and half years old, and I have a second son who is 1 and a half years old. Hate the though of them having to see me go through treatment or worse.

Age 27: Diagnosed 11/1/07 with Oral cancer localized in the left side of my tongue & 1 lymph node. Upper Neck Disection Surgery 12/17/07, removed left side of tongue and a few lymph nodes. Post surgery treatment: 30 days Radiation, 4 Treatments of Cisplatin. Completed treatments 3/27/08.