Hi Fr. Mike,

I was diagnosed with SCC on the bottom of my tongue in March. My treatment so far has consisted of surgery to remove the tumor, a graft where the tumor was, and a modified neck dissection of 22 lymph nodes on the right side. The lymph nodes were clean so no radiation is indicated at this time.

My tongue has healed well, it feels different and is taking some getting used to, but my speech has not been affected. It is difficult to eat some things, mainly hard crunchy stuff like chips. My biggest complaint would be some shoulder pain on the side where my neck dissection was, and that is easily relieved with aleve.

I have not had the extensive treatment some of the folks here have had, but if I can be of any help to you, please let me know.

My thoughts and prayers are with you!

SCC of Tongue Stage 1 (T1,N0,M0)
partial glossectomy,modified neck dissection 4/14/03