Welcome, Fr. Mike. You are in a good place for answers. The MOST important thing you need to know, before anything else, is to ignore the statistics you have found that are so discouraging. Bottom line, you are your own statistic. Your long-term survival depends on your own particular circumstances. The stats encompass non-compliant patients who continue to smoke, patients with pre-existing conditions other than oral cancer, and many other factors which most probably do not apply to you. So take a deep breath and start believing you can win this battle, because you can. The people here are beyond generous in sharing their experiences and answering questions, calming fears which are rational or otherwise (I am referring here to the incredible help I received when I freaked out over the idea of a PEG tube). Having completed my treatment, I am anxious to help anyone else, and I know I am not alone in this feeling. This is not a club anyone chooses to join, but you will find yourself in good company here. We will be with you every step of the way.