hi everyone,

it's 8 days until i have my surgery to remove what i think now will be at least 60-75% of my tongue, and 5 days until i start a combo of radiation and chemo. i'm really starting to freak out about it.

the worst thing is that my tumor has rapidly progressed in the past 2 weeks. i now have an ulceration that takes up the entire side of my tongue, and am on painkillers 24/7 to cope with it. i also can tell that the tumor has been growing because i am rapidly losing the use of what was left of my tongue. this has caused me a lot of trouble with eating/speaking and swallowing.

i would love to hear words of encouragement from anyone out there. this is getting really hard for me.

thanks for letting me vent.

Last edited by ChristineB; 08-25-2011 12:44 AM. Reason: unauthorized advertising