Thanks David for informative reply.

[quote=David2]Many of us myself included survived for months on various commercial brands of liquid nutrition - things like Ensure and Boost and their clones here in the States. Are these readily available to you? I found them indispensable and even now more than 2 years out still use them regularly.[/quote]

Yes, I am taking Prosure as a supplement thrice a day. Otherwise, I am on the mashed Indian diet and even mashed boiled eggs.

As others have written, the mucositis will eventually go away. It's unpleasant and keeps you awake at night, I know. But hang in there![/quote]
Good to know this goes away. Baking soda + salt water rinse seems to be helping a lot keeping mouth neutralized.

Ditto for the dry mouth that inevitably follows. That one generally takes longer to abate, but there are sprays and gels and things to help. Plus just keep water handy at all times.

Yet to receive the God's gift of dry mouth, but in certain sense, I did experience it after the cisplation chemo.

I was prescribed viscous lidocaine during RT to help numb the sores in my mouth so I could drink. I had a lot of those so it was only marginally successful. Maybe you'll get off with a lighter sentence! Anyway, you might ask your doctor about it.
Fortunately, I am able to drink liquids or gulp mashed food without too much discomfort till now. Yes, some other doctor whom I know personally (not the one treating) has prescribed Viscous Lidocaine and suggested to take only when the throat hurts while taking food. Have not taken yet.

Try and sleep as much as possible. I could barely do anything but during RT and I didn't have chemo.
Sleeping with sticky saliva depositing in throat is the most irritating of all my experiences. A continuous urge to spit it out to avoid coughing keeps me awake. Otherwise, when that sticky thing becomes really sticky, then the cough abates and I get to sleep some time. Dont know how much. Doctor has prescribed sleeping pills recently atleast for the duration of remaining 2 weeks.

- Age 34 at DX 4th June 2011, Non-smoker, Non-alcoholic
- SCC on lateral right border of tongue, T1-N0,
- Surgery done to remove tumor on tongue
- RND to remove 9 lymph nodes, no MET(s)
- 3 weekly cycles of 50 mg cisplation chemo
- IMRT RAD 30 exposures, still 11 more to go