Vicki, I am computer me at the address on my profile, email me your home number.....Don't know how to private message you - are you on facebook? If your hubby has had all his teeth removed, and is not long out of treatment, I wouldn't consider it an option at this point. Does he have a peg? I can give you some info via medicare & free treatment,.....I was refering to false teeth, but the gums have to be in really good me personally, will fill you in....hope all else ok xxxx

Last edited by ChristineB; 07-22-2011 05:36 PM. Reason: removed telephone number and email address

Wife/Carer of Rod, 56, Dx 5/3/09, SCC Oropharnyx T4 N2, End Tx 28th 07/09, 7wks Rad, 3 Cisplatin, primary tonsil, 4cm Lymph right of neck, 1cm left, in jaw & soft palate & base of tongue. Peg 06/09. CT & PET scans 02/11 - NED. Dentures 20/09/11, PEG out 28/10/11.