Went to Peter Mac this morning, the oncologist comfirmed that all was good in his mouth and that pain would be from the extreme radiation therapy. He confirmed that the pain, nausea, fatigue etc could be from scar tissue, and from all of the radiation, long after 2 years. He checked inside his mouth and used the torch light up his nose to check the base of his tongue...all good. He said Rod was doing extremely well and that after his 3 year mark next July, he would go onto 6 monthly appts. Rod now happier and excited about getting his falsies next week......Thank you all for your love & support...Jeanna xxxx

Wife/Carer of Rod, 56, Dx 5/3/09, SCC Oropharnyx T4 N2, End Tx 28th 07/09, 7wks Rad, 3 Cisplatin, primary tonsil, 4cm Lymph right of neck, 1cm left, in jaw & soft palate & base of tongue. Peg 06/09. CT & PET scans 02/11 - NED. Dentures 20/09/11, PEG out 28/10/11.