Welcome to OCF Israel. You are no longer alone! You have just joined the largest online oral cancer forum. We will help support you and give you info and guidance.

I hope you are not facing another recurrence! Best to stay busy so that you keep your mind occupied and not dwell on the "what if's". I know how scary it can be thinking you are sick again. Especially after everything you have already gone thru. We have all had our share of scares so understand what you are experiencing.

A signature will help us to get to know you easier. Its under the 'my stuff' tab. Click on profile, scroll to the bottom and type in the box. Dont worry about being technical, write what you feel is important.

Best of luck with tomorrows PET scan! Please come back and let us know your results. Hope we can cheer for your good news!!!

SCC 6/15/07 L chk & by L molar both Stag I, age44
2x cispltn-35 IMRT end 9/27/07
-65 lbs in 2 mo, no caregvr
Clear PET 1/08
4/4/08 recur L chk Stag I
surg 4/16/08 clr marg
215 HBO dives
3/09 teeth out, trismus
7/2/09 recur, Stg IV
8/24/09 trach, ND, mandiblctmy
3wks medicly inducd coma
2 mo xtended hospital stay, ICU & burn unit
PICC line IV antibx 8 mo
10/4/10, 2/14/11 reconst surg
OC 3x in 3 years
very happy to be alive smile